Welcome or Hey y'all!

Before I had any children at all, I started & ran my own daycare. I followed in my Grandmothers footsteps when I did so. In essence, I just imitated what I'd watched her do for years. When our first child (Abbey) came along it was like the stork brought her because she was adopted. She was four weeks old & already sleeping through the night. Now that I think back on it, she was more like an extention of my daycare or a doll baby. What I mean is that I had full confidence in my mothering of her. Three years later, I came up pregnant & we were all delighted. I laughed like the biblical Sarah for 8 months. It wasn't until after I had him that the fear set in. I put on an exteremely convincing *front. Even my husband (Brian) didn't know I was scared to death. You see, I hadn't done this before. He was brand new & I was nursing & I'm a person who, by nature is high strung & I'd had a C-section & on & on. Because I had a C-section he was early by just a couple of weeks. His doctor informed us that the last thing on a baby to grow are its ears, so he had paper thin little ears that flopped forward. His pediatrician told us to keep a hat pulled down over the tops of his ears to hold them in place. I tried to keep that hat pulled down but all the hats were too big for his head and kept sliding up & pushing one of his ears forward. A month or so went by & the cartiledge in his ears got stronger but the top of that one ear had a permanent, pinky finger sized dimple in it and still does to this day. I had already failed him & he was only a month old. To the Mothers & women who want to be Mothers, I told you this story to tell you that you are not a hybrid of Claire Huxtable & Bree Van de Kamp. Those women aren't real. You are not perfect & you will fail your child or children at some point. But be not discouraged. You are not a failure & you are not alone.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting your bluff in

As a Southern Black Mom or SBM, I do things a certain way. First I must say that Southerners do things different from the rest of America. Being a Black Southerner is a club of sorts. You may have seen a Black Mom out with her child or children & the little ones start to get a little rowdy. The Black Mom will cast her eyes sideways and down at the tiny offenders. She may even tighten or purse her lips a little and the kids immediately stop their offensive action. The reason the children snap to attention so quickly is because The Black Mom got her bluff in years ago. Here's what the bluff is. Those children think Black Mom is C-R-A-Z-Y. They don't know how crazy or when she got this way, but those children trust & believe that she is. To be a mom, black, white or green, your child has to believe "My Mama is *throw'd off". They don't know exactly what you'll do to them, but they know if they've been warned, and they continue to act out, the outcome will not be a good one. Here's an example from my childhood. When I was sick or if my Grandmother or Mother had something they needed to do, I would always go over to our Pastor's house and stay. The Pastor's wife (Matlock) would take care of me and I loved her like she was my other Grandmother. In the corner of their bedroom stood a shotgun & in the bathroom there was a hatchet on the little table. I never even thought of touching either of those things. It's not because I thought I would blow my head off with the shotgun or cut my foot off dropping the hatchet, I was too little for that kind of forethought. It was because I thought Grandmother would literally kill me and it wouldn't be a quick death either. I thought my Grandmother would beat me to death with her bare hands. She had never done anything to me as brutal as that before, but the thing was, she told me she would convincingly enough for me to believe it. That right there is the bluff.  When she told me she was gonna beat the tar out of me, her whole demeanor changed. Her body language said it, her eyes said it and those were the words that were coming out of her mouth. I knew when she said we were going to the store, we got up, got in the car and drove to the store. So why now, when she was saying this with even more conviction, would she be lying to me. She wouldn't! This is not a tactic you can start when your child is ten. You have to start this at an early age. Now I'm not just saying walk around only saying crazy stuff to your kid all the time. You have to temper it. Make it a nice even mix so your child will know that they can come to you with anything, as they get older. But thats a post for another time. Until then, lets try a few sayings:
  1. I will knock you into next week!
  2. You don't believe fat meat is greasy! (As a warning)
  3. I will beat the tar out of you!
  4. Do it again & see what happens!
  5. I will slap the taste out your mouth!

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I use slang & "real talk". An asteric (*) will d-note words you may not be familiar with. For those words, use the link for urbandictionary.com under Resourses.